Parish Organizations

Parish Organizations

If you are interested in helping with or would like more information about any of the following parish organizations, please call the Parish Office (402) 731-3176 (press 5) or call the person whose name is listed with a particular organization. 

Women's Club

Through this organization the women of the parish get a chance to come together with other women from our parish family to work as a group in the development and support of events that benefit our parish community spiritually and financially. They are the inspiration and driving force behind parish projects like Cinnamon Roll Sundays, Valentines Salad Luncheon, Christmas Cards to the Homebound, The Bread Bake, Knitting for Charity, The Mother/Daughter Banquet and supply desserts to all the parish dinners. They also give support to all the other parish events and use their funds to financially support many important ministries and corporal improvements in the parish. Most important are the close relationships and Christian friendships they build as they work together on parish projects throughout the year. All women of the parish are welcome and encouraged to join other women of the parish by becoming active in the Women’s Club. Monthly meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm in the Social Hall. 

Please contact Women’s Club President, Terri Aulner: (402) 669-9024 for more information.

Men's Club

The Men's Club was originally created as the Athletic Club to meet the sports needs of the children attending Holy Ghost School. Since that time, the group has evolved to become the driving force behind many important parish activities, fundraisers and family functions including the popular Lenten Fish Fry’s and Husker Nights. The Men’s Club also oversees the rental of the Holy Ghost baseball field and gymnasium and uses the profits from this and other activities they sponsor to fund many of the improvements made to our parish. All men of the parish are welcome and encouraged to join the Men’s Club at their monthly meetings on the first Wednesday of each month. 

For information about the Men’s Club or to rent the Holy Ghost ball field or gym please call the Parish Office: (402) 731-3176 Press 5

Finance Committee

The members of the Finance Committee come from the parish faith community and are appointed by the Pastor in consultation with appropriate staff. Their purpose is consultative in nature and they are to make recommendations for the financial aspects of the parish to the Pastor. The members collectively have a diverse set of financial skills and a broad view of parish ministries and facilities. They meet quarterly to discuss the important financial issues of the parish. 

If you have a question about the Finance Committee or their activities, contact Roger Scheiding, Director of Finance: (402) 551-9590.

Pastoral Council (Parish Council)

The function of the Holy Ghost Parish Pastoral Council as established by the Church is to assist the Pastor in his leadership role of setting priorities, planning, organizing, initiating, coordinating and reviewing the mission and activities of the parish. They offer to the Pastor a wisdom that emerges from the parish and which does not depend on any level of expertise, but their own faith and God’s guidance. They help the Pastor to know the community and by means of their study, research and reflection share with the Pastor who consults them for that advice. If the Council makes decisions it is in terms of formulating their agreement, input or consensus on an issue they have prepared for the Pastor. The Pastoral Council membership is between 8 and 12 members. Any parishioner may volunteer to take an open position on the council but must be approved by the Pastor to become a member. 

For more information about the Pastoral Council, contact the Council President, Tony Widhalm: (402) 734-5453

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