It has been a long held ministry at Holy Ghost to be there for each other in times of great sorrow. There is a group who each do their part in different ways to provide comfort and services for fellow parishioners when there is a death in the family. When the Parish Office is notified of a death, a call goes out to those who will contact the family and meet to assist them in making plans for the Vigil Service and Funeral Mass. Other calls are made to arrange for music ministers, ushers, a sacristan and altar servers.
If you would like to offer your help with any part our Bereavement Ministry, please call the Parish Office: (402) 731-3176 Press 5
Holy Ghost and St. Stanislaus RE will be combined with St. Bernadette PRE (Parish Religious Education) starting in the Fall of 2021.
All classes will be held at St. Bernadette on Wednesday evenings at 6:15-7:30.
We will continue with the Family Formation model that was started in the 20-21 RE year. We will continue to have Sacrament prep for First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation. The Confirmation prep will continue to be a 2-year program starting in the 7th grade.
PRE will be offered to students in grades 1st through 8th grades. Child care will be available by request.
Registration is NOW OPEN! Forms and payment are due no later than August 2nd. We welcome and encourage early registrations.
PRE Registration Form
For information or to enroll your child please call Sue Reed: (402) 731-4694 at St. Bernadette
The Saint Vincent de Paul Society dedicated to helping the poor and underprivileged, the sick, the shut-ins, the elderly and the confined. Sensitive to the dignity of all people and with strict confidentiality, they give material and spiritual assistance to those whose needs are brought to their attention by fellow-parishioners.
For information about or to join St. Vincent de Paul Society call the Parish Office 402-731-3176.
For St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry contact (402) 360-7372
Alpha is a parish tool for deepening spiritual growth based on hospitality, sharing and open conversation. Alpha is a series of 13 sessions that explore the Christian faith. Each session looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation where people can share ideas about their faith, ask their questions, build friendships and experience the love of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.
We start each session with dinner followed by a talk on video that looks at a different question that explores the big issues around our faith. Following the video we have the chance to share our thoughts and ideas on the topic, and simply discuss it in a small group. There’s no obligation to say anything but it is an opportunity to hear from others and contribute your own perspective in an honest, friendly and open environment. We want everyone in the parish to feel welcome and have an opportunity to grow in faith taking part in our Alpha sessions.
For more information about details of upcoming Alpha sessions please contact Deacon Al or Terri Aulner: (402) 669-1714 or Deacon Tom or Kathy Schulte.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process in which adults become full, participating members of the Catholic Church. Those who go through the RCIA process fall under one of the following categories:
If you are interested in becoming a Catholic or are a Catholic who has never received sacraments of Holy Communion or Confirmation, please call Fr. Boyd at the St. Bernadette Parish office weekdays (402) 731-4694 or call the Holy Ghost Parish Office: (402) 731-3176 Press 5.