Baptism is the first sacrament where we become united with Christ and the Church. No other sacrament can be received without it. A Priest or Deacon performs this rite by pouring water on the baptismal candidate baptizing him/her, “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” thereby cleansing the soul original sin through water and the Holy Spirit.
Any person who has been a registered parishioner, actively present at Mass for at least 6 months and wishes to have their child baptized may call the parish office to make arrangements for scheduling the baptism and attending the pre-baptism classes for the parents and godparents. We encourage you to take the instructions and schedule the Baptism even before the baby is born.
Adults who are interested in being baptized in the Catholic Church, or if already baptized want to join the Catholic Faith, should call the parish office for information about attending the Rite of Christian Initiation classes for Adults.